Mr. Jawara Gaye

Global Lead Education Specialist

Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

Prior to joining the IsDB, Mr. Jawara Gaye was Manager, Project Coordination Unit, of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education where he handled education sector projects financed by AfDB, EU, IsDB, WB and other bilateral donors. Mr. Gaye served as Principal Education Planner in the Ministry of Education. His experience spans strategy, policy and operational program development in education, and in project management.

While at IsDB, Mr. Gaye has been involved in the design of projects and programs in the education sector and has worked mainly in Africa, Asia and Latin America. As Lead Education Specialist, he led the preparation of the first IsDB Education Sector Policy which was approved in December 2018.

Mr. Gaye received an M.Sc in Macroeconomic Policy and Planning in Developing Countries from Bradford University, UK and a B.Sc (Hons) in Economics from Fouray Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He is also a professionally trained Teacher.